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KASC Music Education Institute presents

Folk Song Research

We will be offering our FSR classes online throughout the 2020-2021 academic school year via Zoom taught by Diane Geller and Dr. Kathy Hickey. Full Kodály Certification includes completion of three levels of Core and Folk Song courses.
Folksong Research I: Winter 2021
Anglo Folk Music: History and Culture in America
Saturdays: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
CLASS I: JAN. 16      
CLASS II: FEB. 13    
CLASS IV:  MAR. 13   

Folk song Research I

A survey of American folk songs.  Emphasis will be on becoming familiar with America's folk music, and its unique correlation with American history.  This level deals with songs from Colonial times through Workers of America and Workers of the West.  Ballads are included in this Level.  Classes will include lecture, singing and analyzing folk songs, music listening, and video/ media excerpts, historical and cultural context of songs, and application to music education.  Part of the class' hours are non-contact hours, expected to be devoted to individual research and analysis, and topic presentations. (Ex: Each level is 30 hours; 17.5 contact hours, 13.5 research/analysis hours.)


Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I Pedagogy and Musicianship.


Registration deadline EXTENDED: January 7, 2021 8pm PDT.

Folksong Research II: Spring 2021
Multicultural Folksong in America
Saturdays: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Folk Song Research II

An introduction to multicultural folk song.  Folk songs of major ethnicities found in the United States will be surveyed in this course, including Asian, Native American, Hispanic, and African-American.  Techniques of collection, categorization, and analysis will be presented, as well as historical and cultural context, performance practice, and application to music education.  Classes will include lecture, singing and analyzing folk songs, and music listening, and video/ media excerpts, historical and cultural context of songs, and application to music education.  Part of the class' hours are non-contact hours, expected to be devoted to individual research and analysis, and topic presentations. (Ex: Each level is 30 hours; 17.5 contact hours, 13.5 research/analysis hours.


Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level I Folk Song Research. 


Registration deadline: March 28, 2021

Folksong Research III: Summer 2021 

Final Variant Comparison Project
June 26 2021: 9:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.

Final Project Due: July 24, 2021

Folk Song Research III

FOLK SONG RESEARCH III incorporates folksong analysis techniques for students to use to complete their final project. The VARIANT ANALYSIS PROJECT involves collection of several variants of a single folksong on which participants will perform more advanced scientific analysis techniques for study and comparison. This project is designed to bring together skills learned thus far in folksong study involving knowledge of culture, scales, form, text, and other features and is the final course in the Kodály Certification process.


Final Variant Comparison Project
June 26th 2021: 9:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.
Session to learn advanced analysis techniques and go over the project.
Zoom meetings for independent help as needed.

Final Project Due: July 24, 2021


Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Level I & II Folk Song Research.


Registration deadline: June 20, 2021.

Upcoming Workshops

*Workshop#1 - 9/21/24 - 9:30am-3:00pm

*Workshop#2 - 11/2/24 - 9:30am-1:30pm

*Workshop#3 - 2/8/25 - 9:30am-1:00pm

*Workshop#4 - 4/5/25 - 9:30am-1:00pm


Annual Events

*Music Education Institute - June 30-July 18, 2025 (no classes July 4) 

*Katinka Day: July 11, 2025


All LA County Covid-19 Protocols are observed during our events. Masks are optional.

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38600 Pine Drive, Cherry Valley, CA 92223  



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